Mumbai guys/gals met last Sunday and had a rocking time with some unbelivable moments in it for everyone of us.
We had a huge turnout of very diverse Junta which was young at heart out of which some of where restless :-) The restaurant was so overwhelmed by our presence that they arranged for a live performance of Saif for us free of charge. The turnout was so huge that intros itself took about 4 hours.
In between we had some lunatics at the restaurant who were very loud and eating like hogs and spilling quite a signifacnt amount of drinks and food near us. One of us who was a expert on healthy living sms'd using Webaroo (SMS Gupshup) and asked them to eat in a more dignified manner. But the lunatics started to get abusive - vebally and physically. We had Karate champ cum lawyer in our midst who with one chop flattened them out like dosa and threatened to sue them. The lunatics were huge in numbers but we had a consultant in our midst who suggested a few ideas after which the copywriter duo came to the rescue. They immediately copied the Karate guy left and right and we won.
We celebrated the victory with our national bird "The tandoori chicken" and the national drink "The Patiala peg". In fact time flew so fast and it was so much fun that we ended up having Dinner too at the same place.
By the time the bill came we found that none of us had enough cash. But fortunately we had a 5 star hotel manager in our midst who helped us settle the bill in a much amicable manner without having to do the dishes. Next day our meet was all over news channels since we had a TV Producer in our midst. We also got extensive coverage by the print media since one of our junta was a journo there.
It was a time that could easily not have been forgotten :-)