Exchange programmes bid results are out. Most people are going to the usual boring places like Kellogg, Wharton, NYU Stern, Tuck, Duke, London Business School etc but a few of us are going to some awesome places. Here is a mini-list:
1. KK: Going to Sahara Desert to appreciate some more wild life and in return getting exchanged with a Wild Boar.
2. Vivin: Going to Wimbledon so that he can now use his Tennis racket to play tennis rather than chase stray dogs at midnight.
3. Manjari: Going to Germany as Oktoberfest allows to continue her secret life as Beero.
4. Arjun: Going to Argentina as our Ghoda likes the Grass there. Though that means SV4 will be manure-less and ISB would tardiness-free !
5. Priyom / Jay / Prashant / Suyog : Going to Thailand as thats the Mecca of the Pink Daddies !
6. Hardik: Going to Hawaii as only that place exchanges Rangeen aka colourful students.
7. Viggy: Going to Broadway to be a bigger Dramebaaz than he is currently
8. Sai: Going to Switzerland with the woman of his dreams in exchange for some Cows.
9. Kaushal: Got tricked into going to HEC, Paris as he thought H & C in HEC stood for Honor code
10. Somnath: Going to China / Myanmar to propagate democracy through SOMBOX
11. Saurabh Jhawar: Going to Columbus, Georgia to explore the possibility of the next big thing - the Coke shampoo.
12. Tanya: Going to a research tour to Italy on how to make Middle Managers Deliver while zooming around in a Ferrari
13. Soham / Dushyant: Going to on a world tour so that MJ's Moonwalk can be replaced by Soham's Earthjump and Dushant's Sleepwalk !
14. Prabhat / Deepak / Mohit / Rajesh / Kishore : Going to Vatican to be the Chorus for next Christmas !
15. Aarti Kapur: Going to California for an internship under the original "Commando" !
16. Aarti Ganesh: Going to Tibet in exchange for a monk !
17. Mamta: Going to UK in exchange for a coffee-spilling MI5 spy.
18. Gaurav Bhatnagar: Sorry his marital pressures dont let him go anywhere !
19. Vikas Poddar: Wherever being "Game" is legal !
20. Ashwin Uppal: Is going to the American Museum of Natural History in exchange for a similar aged Dinosaur there !
As for me, I am going to Swat Valley in exchange for some PoWs.