Its Election time and I am standing for Director - Operations & Infrastructure Council (OIC). So here are some highlights of my unpublished OIC manifesto: [For illustrative purposes only. Not to be copied. not even the comments]
* I will start an international consortium of a present day industry case study [Go figure out what this means]
* My experience so far, comprises my childhood in the school, a career at XYZ and an active interest in the every high-paying sector.” - [Child prodigy]
* To empower each and every fellow student to discover and realize his or her full potential and to change the way we think of ourselves, the way we think of each other and the way others think of us – [Wow, a lot in it for you to think about!]
* To truly have a OIC of the people. – [To hell with by the people, for the people]
* To be honest, fearless, neutral, accountable, having great integrity of thought and action. To be affable, open and approachable to everyone. [Talent Personified]
* It is this diversity, leadership experience and ability to interact with people and using those interactions to drive towards the desired objectives (infrastructure building and shopping opportunities in our case) that makes me believe that I will be an effective and efficient OIC Director. – [This sentence is neither effective nor efficient!]
* Redressal forum for individual grievances – [Mommy will be in the house]
* Youngest Belt wearing Professional – [Youngest in the family, youngest in Mars]
* If it is significant for you, so it is for me. Openness is my priority, neutrality is my strength– [And rhetoric is my forte]